十月是扶輪職業服務月 扶輪社員事業及專業宣言 1989年立法會議通過以下有關扶輪社員在事業及專業方面的宣言: 身為扶輪社員,在從事事業及專業上,我將: 1.) 視個人之職業為另一個服務的機會; 2.) 遵守個人職業道德及國家的法律,在形式上及精神上遵守社會上的道德標準; 3.) 盡己所能光大個人的職業,並在個人的工作崗位上推廣最高的道德標準; 4.) 以公平的態度對待雇主、雇員、同事、競爭者、顧客大眾以及所有在事業上或專業上有來往的人; 5.) 尊敬所有有益於社會之職業; 6.) 貢獻個人的職業專長:提供青年人機會,幫助其他人解決特殊需求,增進個人所在社區的生活品質; 7.) 在廣告及對大眾做有關個人事業或專業的介紹時,遵守誠信原則; 8.) 不向社友要求一些一般人在事業或專業上不能獲得的特權或利益,反之亦不提供給社友。
As a Rotarian engaged in a business or profession, I am expected to:
1) 1.consider my vocation to be another opportunity to serve;
2) 2.be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my community;
3) 3.do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to promote the highest ethical standards in my chosen vocation;
4) 4.be fair to my employer, employees, associates, competitors, customers, the public, and all those with whom I have a business or professional relationship;
5) 5.recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society;
6) 6.offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community;
7) 7.adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the public concerning my business or profession;
8) 8.neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship.